Favaid - Useful Tips

By Mursal Ahmadov

Favaid - Useful TipsFavaid - Useful TipsFavaid - Useful TipsFavaid - Useful TipsFavaid - Useful Tips

The book, the translation of which is brought to your attention, is one of the

most remarkable works that have come down to us of the famous

Muslim scholar and author of many valuable works of Imam Ibn al-


The book is a collection of useful thoughts and conclusions,

statements, instructions, remarks, observations of the author himself - other

sources are rarely cited. It can be assumed that the original work

was a kind of diary where the great scientist wrote down these

various thoughts and made additions to what was already written at different

periods of his life . Monotheism and its correct confession; hope

for Allah and his species; predestination; topics related to the Qur'an;

hadith explanations; advantages of knowledge and its types; ailments and deeds

of the heart - these are just some of the topics that are covered in this

unique book, which incorporates the pearls of useful knowledge,

selected by the author throughout many years.

Each small instruction is preceded by the word “Section”,

“Rule”, “Benefit” or “Remark”, under which the author placed his

thoughts or sayings of our righteous predecessors, poetic

lines or simply wise words that he himself considered an excellent help

to those who wish to follow the path of salvation and prosperity in that world and the world


Favaid = Useful instruction / Ed. ed. Sheikh Bakr Ibn

'Abdullah Abu Zayd; per. with arab. E. Sorokoumova. - M .: Ummah, 2013.

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