Learn Spanish for Beginners

By Zeemish Labs

Learn Spanish for BeginnersLearn Spanish for BeginnersLearn Spanish for BeginnersLearn Spanish for BeginnersLearn Spanish for Beginners

Learn how to speak Spanish with lessons, courses, audio, activities and quizzes, including the alphabet, phrases, vocabulary, pronunciation, parts of speeches, grammar and many more.

CLass 1 : Basics


-Alphabets Quiz

-Vowels Theory

-Vowels Pronunciation

-Alphabets Charts

-Numbers Theory

-Numbers Audio

-Numbers Quiz

- Noun

- Pronoun

- Verb

- Adjective

- Adverb

- Preposition

- Conjunction

- Body Parts

- Fruits and Vegetables

- Colors

- Family Members

- Clothes

- Profession

- Personality

- Shops and Places

- Frequently Used Spanish Words

- Sets of Vocabulary

Class 2: Greetings

-Study List

-Slide Show

-English to Spanish Reading Quiz

-Spanish to English Reading Quiz

-English to Spanish Listening Quiz

-Spanish to English Listening Quiz

Class 3: Polite Expressions

Class 4 : Praise

Class 5: Days, Months and Seasons

Class 6 : Climate

Class 7 : Time

Class 8 : Common Questions

Class 9 : Directions

Class 10 : Instructions

Class 11 : Health and Safety

Class 12 : Shifts and Pay

Class 13 : Around the Office

Class 14 : Animals

Class 15 : Tools and Equipment

Class 16 : Measurement

Class 17 : People

Class 18 : Crops and Plants

Class 19 : Holidays and Sympathies

Class 20 : Agriculture

Class 21 : Food and Drink

Class 22 : Love

Class 23 : Physical Appearance

Class 24 : Conversation Starters

Class 25 : Internet Terms

Class 26 : House

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